Chinese Language

Chinese language is official language of China and spoken by about 1 billion people (20%) of the world population as Primary language. Chinese is a macro language which has 13 sub languages or dialects including Mandarin, Jin, Huizhou, Wu, Hunanese, Jiangxinese, Hakka, Yue, Ping, Shaojiang, Northern Min, Eastern Min, Central Min, Pu Xian, Southern Min. Chinese is spoken in other countries including Hong King, Singapore, Malaysia, Macau, Philippines, USA, Australia, Indonesia, Mauritius, Peru, Canada etc (about 1.3 billion people).

Chinese character know as Han character, used in Chinese writing, Japanese, Kanji, Korean, Vietnamese etc. There are approximately 47035 Chinese characters as per Kangxi dictionary but full literacy in Chinese language required knowledge of about 3000 to 4000 characters.

We can do Chinese to English translation, Chinese to Urdu translation, English to Chinese translation, Urdu to Chinese translation, as we have expert Chinese translators and Chinese interpreters. You can contact us now.

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